First Solar is a leading American solar technology company and global provider of responsibly produced eco-efficient solar modules advancing the fight against climate change. Their newest warehouse and office are a whopping 2.4 million square feet! To put it another way – it’s a half-mile walk from one end of the warehouse to the other. Better buy some good shoes!
Lee Company was tasked with the mechanical and plumbing, specifically for the office space and only a piece of the warehouse building. The job was super specific, just like the general contractor wanted, because this project was so massive no one wanted to overload a single contractor.
Square Footage:
2.4 million square feet
Duration: 12 months
Scope of Work:
- Five chilled water AHUs, 41 VAVs, three CRAC units, 12 exhaust fans, two MAUs, and two mini splits.
- Grease waste, sanitary, domestic CW, domestic HW 120, domestic HW 140.
- Full kitchen, multiple large gang bathrooms, and large locker rooms.
- Fabricated and installed 47,000 pounds of ductwork for the office space. Fabricated and installed 130,000 pounds of ductwork for the warehouse.
- Received, lifted, and set 139 owner-furnished AHUs on the roof with a helicopter.
- Furnished and installed one RTU, six CHW AHUs, two mini splits, 16 exhaust fans, three gas-fired heaters, 103 roof curbs.
- Installation of 139 owner-furnished AHU curbs, including both SA and RA duct drops.